Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Be Still and Know that I am God"'s so HARD to be still!

I am so anxious about Tim & Jill's job situation..

I LOVE Val's new BF - am anxious to get to know this person so important in her life! But don't want to "jinx" anything!

I worry about Matt and his spiritual's SO out of my control (isn't everything!??)

I worry, I worry, I worry...and it's WRONG to worry!!!! ARRGH!

Guess I'll just have to keep busy. and pray.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A scripture I was reading the other day caught my eye. Mark 14: 51 & 52 is the end of the moment when Jesus was betrayed and all of his followers left him. I had never noticed and now wonder why it was included the phrase,

" 51A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, 52he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.".

What a strange word picture to have added at this point. What is the significance? Is it allegorical? I have always believed the God has a purpose for ever word in the Bible.

Perhaps tomorrow, I'll add another puzzling scripture to ponder...