Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Summer Outdoor theatre fun!!! Fun Theatre is BACK!!! In cooperation with Morven Park, Martha Lynch and company are putting on STATE FAIR, a purely "Americana" musical this summer! Performance dates are the last 2 weekends in June!

SO - PASS THE WORD....Auditions will be held on Friday, April 6th at 7pm and Saturday, April 7th at the Morven Park Equestrian Center (Rt. 15 just North of Leesburg, turn left onto Tutt Lane to the Center).

ALL PARTS OPEN - and tech help is welcomed!!!!! This is promising to be a true "horse and buggy" show - to include outdoor participation from a Pony club and an antique auto club!

Questions??? call Martha @ 703-777-8191....or myself 703-728-7059 or e-mail

Saturday, March 10, 2007

It is called "Nevermore" - the dark story of Edgar Alan Poe...but in a way that grabs you from the moment it starts and doesn't let go - even to the end....I was on the edge of my seat! The music is phenominal, (Just think of the words of the "Raven" - put to blasting great musical theatre style = kinda wanted to stand and applaud before it was finished!) the vocalists way beyond good...and the acting, especially by the lead, Evan Hoffman, is every bit as good as I've seen on Broadway! This one should be a hit!

It's at the Kensington Arts Center, in Kensington, Md. runs thru Mar 31st.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Grace and the Greenville Oaks CofC...visited this wonderful family of God today in Allen, Tx! Such a timely sermon on the subject of Grace and works. With the scriptural reference in Gal. 2, we were led thru a study of simply how much we, as humans, have failed and failed when we are trying to "get it" with salvation.

Powerful concepts were shared by the use of parables - (oh, my, isn't that use of a dramatic technique? Is that allowed?????)

#1. A miner was having difficulty with the concept of grace being "too easy" - he didn't
"trust" anything that was "free". However, when questioned as to how he got out
of the mines every day, he replied that the cage came below ground and picked up
the miners and carried them to the top. When asked that this was a "free" delivery\
on a daily basis and why would he "trust" this since it was "free"....he replied that
it had cost the company a "lot" of money to build and maintain the cages....and then
he immediately understood the concept of grace - something that cost the owner
much - but was given free to those who needed it.

#2. A 16 yr old girl was driving a car and had an accident that killed her 12 year old friend.
In her anguish over the death, she vowed to do everything in her power to make up
for it, helping the family of her friend, being there for them, doing something for
the rest of her life to make up for the death. However, she eventually came to
understand that no amount of "work", of "action" could make up for it - but simply
to be sorry for it and accept the forgiveness of that family was the answer.

How often do we beat ourselves up for being sinners...and try to "work" our way
to salvation?

I found this sermon liberating - for so long we, as CofC members, have tried to take the concept of grace - and then junk it up with laws, which, basically destroys what Christ came to do away with! (see chap 2 of Galations).....We become legalistic, picky, finger-pointing...instead of simply
loving each other where we are, continuing in study of the Word, focusing on PRAISE and WORSHIP, and being thankful for the absolutely free gift of Salvation thru Grace that we have received.

What a beautiful day!