Monday, July 30, 2007

So, Ian has been "officially" inducted into the Kerby passion for Roller Coasters!!! We took him to Kings Dominion for his first ride....the "Scooby Doo". He had absolutely no idea of what to expect...but summed it up at the end by saying, "Why is it stopping??? I want to go AGAIN!!!"

He totally enjoyed the coaster (rode it 3 times), the Avalanche (a bob-sled coaster ride), the Log Flume (very WET), the flying airplanes, the waterpark, etc, etc.... One very happy little boy.
On the way home, he was eating and we noticed he was trying to feed himself as he was falling asleep - hitting himself in the face with his food! TOO FUNNY!

We also just took a vacation to Williamsburg where Ian learned how to be in the water without being to play putt putt (pretty well, actually) be a beach bum...and watch the fife and drum band! Oh, yes, the rest of us had fun too....but life is truly all about Ian!


Jill said...

He looks so big playing putt-putt and I'm so glad that he had fun on the rollercoasters! Miss you guys already!

Val said...

He was so cute on the Avalanche. I got to ride with him on that one and he had so much fun....all grins!

Jerri said...

Hey, Grandma Karin....Grandma Jerri here! Your little guy looks so cute having all of that fun! The Harringtons all love roller coasters, too! Ian is a lucky little guy to have such a doting family!
Speaking of Grandsons.....Don and I got to have our first peek at Conner in his 3 D sonogram today.....after my first virtual colonoscopy! Boy, what a world we live in.....having the technology to spy both on the not yet born and the no longer private areas of our bodies! :) Definitely the high point was watching Conner moving around in his increasingly shrinking inner spaces! We actually saw his face long enough to realize he has Cameron's nose!! Amazing!

Jacque said...

So cute, Karin. Ian is turning into such a little man. Glad you guys had such a good time...Mom, Mike and I loved Busch Gardens, but Val tells me that there is a new roller coaster at Kings Dominion I need to try out. So many coasters, so little time. :)